VCSP service settings
type of meetings and hearings
A Communication Specialist may be authorized to assist a qualified individual at any interactive DCF, or other State administrative meeting/hearing or judicial proceeding. The individual must request the use of a CSS through the VCSP as an accommodation, and obtain the approval from a DCF District Director, appropriate State Director/Manager or Vermont’s Chief Superior Judge. An estimate for the cost of a Communication Specialist’s services must be approved for every meeting/hearing prior to accommodations being provided. Services are always free for the client.
support services offered
As with many organizations, the pandemic brought with it some challenges in how we were able to deliver services. The biggest lesson we learned is to never underestimate a person’s ability to connect and participate remotely in their hearings or meetings!
We were able to adapt and offer valuable CSS support remotely and for many clients this continues to be the option they prefer. For others in person services are a necessary accommodation. We offer 3 different models of CSS support:

Everyone is virtual. The pre-meeting, meeting and post meeting is by phone or video conference.

In person
Everyone is in the same room or some are virtual but the CSS and the client are together in the same room.

The CSS is remote while the client is in person. Other exceptional situations may also qualify as hybrid.