VCSP based the Ethical Code of Conduct for Communication Support Specialists on the Ethical Code written for Interpreters for the National Association of the Deaf. At the core of this code of conduct are six tenets
Communication Support Specialists adhere to standards of confidential communication.
- Share assignment-related information only on a confidential and “as-needed” basis.
- Manage data, invoices, records, or other situational or client specific information in a manner consistent with maintaining client confidentiality.
- Inform clients when federal or state mandates require disclosure of confidential information.
Communication Support Specialists possess the professional skills and knowledge required for the specific assignment.
- Provide service delivery regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other factor.
- Assess client needs and the situation before and during the assignment and make adjustments as needed.
- Refrain from providing counsel, advice, or personal opinions.
Communication Support Specialists present themselves appropriately in demeanor and appearance and avoid situation that result in conflicting roles or perceived or actual conflicts of interest.
- Consult with the VCSP office regarding the assignment to determine issues such as placement and adaptations necessary to provide support effectively.
- Decline assignments when not competent due to physical, mental, or emotional factors.
- Avoid performing dual or conflicting roles in interdisciplinary settings
- Comply with established workplace codes of conduct, notify appropriate personnel if there is a conflict with this Code of Professional Conduct, and actively seek resolution where warranted.
- Conduct and present themselves in an unobtrusive manner and exercise care in choice of attire.
- Refrain from the use of mind-altering substances before or during the performance of duties.
- Disclose to parties involved any actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
- Avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest that might cause harm or interfere with the effectiveness of VCSP services.
- Refrain from using confidential information for personal, monetary, or professional gain.
- Refrain from using confidential interpreted information for the benefit of personal or professional affiliations or entities.
Communication Support Specialists demonstrate respect for clients and colleagues at all times.
- Always develop a communication plan based on what a client is telling you they need to communicate effectively.
- Approach clients with a professional demeanor at all times.
- Obtain consent from the client before bringing in another CSS in training.
- Facilitate communication access and equality, and support the full interaction and independence of clients.
- Maintain civility toward colleagues and students.
- Assist and encourage colleagues by sharing information and serving as mentors when appropriate.
Communication Support Specialists maintain ethical business practices.
- Accurately represent qualifications, such as certification, educational background, and experience, and provide documentation when requested.
- Honor professional commitments and terminate assignments only when fair and justifiable grounds exist.
- Promote conditions that are conducive to effective communication, inform the parties involved if such conditions do not exist, and seek appropriate remedies.
- Inform appropriate parties in a timely manner when delayed or unable to fulfill assignments.
- Reserve the option to decline or discontinue assignments if working conditions are not safe, healthy, or conducive to services.
Communication Support Specialists engage in professional development.
- Increase knowledge and strengthen skills through activities such as: yearly re-certification; seeking mentoring and supervision opportunities; communication with colleagues; engaging in independent studies.